It has been a complicated year for everyone! We can pretty much say that the year 2020 has been one of the worst on record. Dealing with Destination weddings and covid-19 certainly has brought its load of new issues.

For us, however, 2020 is the best year ever! Why you say? Because it is the year that Baby Hola was born!

I know this is not her best picture but it pretty much covers the way we all feel about 2020 so far. 😀

baby hola not impressed with destination weddings and COVID-19.

So, how was 2020 for Destination Wedding and COVID-19?

Mmmm, let’s just say it was a challenge!

All of our wedding groups got moved or canceled. Only one has been celebrated so far in 2020 in August instead of March and it was a great success!

I believe that under the circumstances and with all the unknown, our team and our fantastic couples were great. Everyone worked together to deal with the unexpected and considering the challenges, we pulled through.

On the plus side, we got more time to update our website and we will continue to bring you more information on resorts, wedding packages, and everything else about Destination Weddings.

A lot has changed this year and some of it will be permanent. However, love and sunshine will always be here!

You can count on us to help you plan your destination wedding and keep you updated on everything you need to know to do so.

We have lots of complete guides to help you get started. Please have a look at them on our blog


Love and Sunny thoughts to Everyone!

Hola Team and Hola Baby!


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We are a team of dedicated, passionate travel experts that understand just how important your destination wedding is. Our job is to make your destination wedding planning EASY. Just get in touch!

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Mon to Fri: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. Sat 9 am - 5 pm Cancun Time


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